El día que Baldomero robó el Sol

Baldomero has accomplished his greatest mischief: to steal the sun. Soon all plants and animals die, and the world becomes an awfully desolated place. But foolish Baldomero wasn’t expecting that Maria’s wit and the skills of the ladies from “Old neighborhood” and “Forgotten town” would gather around a little egg that could actually change his wicked plans. Mas Detalles

Conejo y Conejo

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Conejo and Conejo meet each other by chance. Conejo loves to dance cumbia. Conejo, on the other hand, is a bit shy. Conejo knows when Conejo is afraid. They’re best friends, Conejo and Conejo. But suddenly, a discussion comes up. A lovely tale about friendship and identity. Mas Detalles

Duerme, duerme, negrito

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When mom goes out to work on the fields, negrito must behave and go to bed early or else, ouch!, the white devil may eat his little foot. Happily he always has good company that helps him arrive safely to bed. This popular Latin American lullaby is enhanced in an endearing and colorful world. Mas Detalles

Veo Veo. Un viaje con Noé León

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How many orange pineapples can you find in Barranquilla’s street market? And how many yellow tigers are hidden in the depths of the jungle? Can you count how many splinters of wood were left in the riverbank by the loggers? Readers can play with numbers and colors while discovering people, plants and objects while traveling through this Colombian’s extraordinary paintings. Mas Detalles

La mujer tatuada y otros cuentos de amor

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Ray Bradbury’s master tales leave no reader unconquered: Foghorn, The Illustrated Woman and April’s Witch tell stories of a seamonster enchanted by a lighthouse, a woman that goes to a shrink for weight issues and a spirit that, just once in a while, would rather be human. Mas Detalles

Mensaje importante

Woof! Woof! A dog barks outside a hospital, where his owner has just been admitted.  It has a very important message to deliver but, how? Dogs are not allowed inside a hospital, nor cats, nor… any other animal? So a long chain begins to get the message from the dog to his owner. That is, with certain obstacles and some interference. A tale in which collaboration will be a key factor!  Mas Detalles

El monstruo de Mongolia

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In this traditional tale from Mongolia, young Gonan chases after the terrible monster Mongas to the steppe so he can avenge his town’s destruction. Once he gets there, they start a duel that consists in three challenges. Mas Detalles

Tangram Gato

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· Gouden Penseel, 2017 ·  Zilveren Griffel, 2017 · Los Mejores del Banco del Libro, 2018

Aquí veo

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A boardbook to start discovering and naming the world that, piece by piece, reveals itself to small children. What’s in the garden, what’s in the sea, what flies. The readers will easily recognize the shapes and words for each object, plant or animal. Mas Detalles

Diez pájaros en mi ventana

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This illustrated book gathers alexandrine verses, haikus, calligrams and other forms of poetry. Carefully selected, these poems celebrate nature and are wonderfully joined by Echenique’s powerful illustrations. Mas Detalles

¿Qué está pasando allá arriba?

A bold pig starts jumping just like three neighbor frogs. Enraged, they decide to teach the little pig a lesson. «Jump
high!» the first frog says. «Jump higher!» goes the second one. «Now higher!» says the third one. But then, the pig
disappears. Where could he be? Mas Detalles

Búho en casa

Owl is very sensitive and kind. He would ask Winter to come in and warm up by the fire. He would not argue over a bed for the night with two suspicious bumps lying by his feet. Owl likes his tear tea very much, for which he has a special recipe. Plus, he and the moon are very close friends. And who would not want to have a friend like Owl? Mas Detalles