La bandera de Amalia

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Amalia is the best seamstress in town, as everyone knows. So it’s only natural that they put her in charge of sewing the town’s flag for the upcoming festivities, but making a flag is quite a responsibility. Mas Detalles

Madre Medusa

One night when the wind blows with mighty force, two women walk at a lively pace towards Mother Medusa’s house. The great task of life begins, and after a few hours of effort, Anacarada rears her head. Mother Medusa is happy with the arrival of her daughter, she shields her with her hair, and above all, she protects her from the world. But Anacarada wants to be like all the other children. Mas Detalles

En peligro de extinción

Tired of living in captivity, a lynx runs away and crosses paths with other curious endangered fellows. All of them wonder about looking for a safe place in the planet, but none can be found. Soon, an improbable space mission is on the works. Mas Detalles

Zoolibro. Curiosidades animales

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Bologna Ragazzi Award-winner Marije Tolman, creator of The Tree House and The Island, illustrates in her distinctive style the curious, funny, bizarre, unbelievable, disgusting and weird facts about all kinds of different animals. The animal facts are straightforward nonfiction, while Marije Tolman’s illustrations are pure fantasy, creating a combination that is sure to engage young readers. Mas Detalles


A compelling account of human migration worldwide back from the origins of civilization to the present day. This guide is meant for curious readers who are looking to rethink modern world perceptions through actual facts.
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La reina de la noche

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As the night falls, a kid and his father pedal back home on their bike. The dad tries to ease his child’s imagination of the nocturnal in this gentle tale inspired by the famous Goethe poem, Erlkönig. Mas Detalles

La noche de Nandi

When Nandi has a sleepover with her friend Tindi, the girls are allowed to spend the night in a little hut near the house. They’re excited to be on their own, but as they get ready for bed, Nandi feels more and more nervous. She keeps hearing things – strange snorts, chitter chattering, a big thud. Tindi says it’s only her noisy family, but on the opposite page the reader sees the nocturnal animals who are really making the noise – and while some of them are familiar, others are very peculiar-looking indeed! Mas Detalles


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Which animal is the sweetest? The Chocodrile. And the one that disappears when frightened? The Hiccup-otamus. And which animal is the most resistant? The Armour-dillo. This zoo-ilogical collection of animals incites to create more nonsensical beasts using a formula of wordplays, faux-clues and visual metaphors. Mas Detalles

Escarabajo de vacaciones

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Beetle and his friends get a letter from Grasshopper inviting them to spend their holidays at his new house on the other side of the valley. Excited, they prepare their trip and set off for adventure. There, they’ll meet a mysterious Butterfly, learn to surf and make up all sorts of games for the journey. Mas Detalles

La Caimana

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The day Faoro found a baby alligator that fit in his hand, he stroke him gently and without even thinking about it, he put him in his pocket. He named him Negro, for his dark skin. And so it began, a tale of friendship, but also a true story that is still remembered near the Apure river. Mas Detalles

Una morsa en mi jardín

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When a walrus lands on a family’s peaceful garden, it’s quite difficult to help her get comfortable. They have to feed her with mountains of fish and shellfish, give her a name and find her a place to sleep. Will it be possible for all of them to have her at home or will they have to find a way to return the walrus to its natural habitat? Mas Detalles

Osa y Lobo

On a winter night, Osa and Lobo find each other deep in the woods. They had never met before, but immediately become friends. They walk together, noticing the views, the sounds and nature’s smells underneath the snow. When it’s time to say goodbye, Osa will go hibernate with her family and Lobo will set off to run with the pack. Will they meet again? A story about friendship that celebrates the subtle rhythm of life when our minds are open to the world. Mas Detalles